About the Role
Who are we?
Featherbed Fruits is one of four different enterprises here at Featherbed Court. As well as strawberries, we run an 800ac arable farm consisting of combinable crops. Featherbed Court Offices is a 7000sq ft office complex in converted, traditional stone barns, and Featherbed B&B boasts five different glampsites situated around the farm.
We grow strawberries in a 2 acre, high tech greenhouse for 9 months of the year. The crop consists of June-bearers and Everbearing varieties grown for high-end restaurents and various hospitality settings at sporting events, including Silverstone F1 and Queens Tennis Championship.
Your Role
We are looking for a greenhouse supervisor who can manage the day-to-day running of the greenhouse. The ideal candidate will have a good background knowledge of strawberry farming, as well as the ability to be willing to learn and highly enthusiastic about the work they do.
Tasks include:
Manage the picking and planting team
Crop walking to identify problem areas and pests
Relief spraying
Help to oversee the irrigation and climate control computer
Skills and Qualifications
Telehandler ticket
PA1 and PA2
Full driving license
Good people management skills
A team leader
Ability to set goals and incentives
Final Notes
The job is open to those with partners also looking for part time work with the glamping and other day-to-day tasks about the farm. Accomodation is available if required. This is a family run farm with a friendly and vibrant atmosphere. For any more information on the job, and to apply, please email harry.rymer@featherbedcourt.net.
Telehandler ticket
PA1 and PA2
Full driving license
Good people management skills
A team leader
Ability to set goals and incentives